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April 2017

Christine and Sun were on track for the life they always wanted: a home in Thailand, a passionate love between them and a child on the way. So when things begin to fall apart, Christine struggles to make sense of the distance that grows between the life she wants and her role as a mother. Absolution tells the story of postnatal depression and the loneliness of a mother who can't find the love she needs but finds support in the last friend she has left.

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September 2018

Faced with a terminal diagnosis Clara, a young woman, abandons the love of her life to save him the obligation of caring for her in her final years. Despite her looming illness Clara manages to find herself a second life on the beaches of Thailand in a town called Khanom. Years later, despite her best intentions, Clara can’t help reaching out to her old lover, Luke. While she does her best not to let him know where she is, Luke’s love and determination allow him to piece together enough clues to track her down. With Luke suddenly back in her life but with the same looming inevitability of her disease, Clara must face what it is to live, to love and what role fate has in her path.

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